Steve’s Weekly Blog: How to Watch the World Cup

Soccer seemed to remind Americans of something they instinctively feared – foreign languages, foreign influences. I’ve seen the freaky reaction of Americans’ renaming French fries ‘freedom fries’ in the run-up to the war in Iraq – irrational, but not totally funny. Or the horrible stigma of John Kerry speaking French or Republicans’ shock upon learning that Mitt Romney could also …

Steve’s Weekly Blog: Kind in a Cruel World

The best portion of a good man’s life: his little, nameless unremembered acts of kindness and love William Wordsworth The power of a good quote to inspire has always been important, but it seems to me the potential for a few well chosen words to reach us in the white noise and mental clutter of life as we now know …

Announcing Our First Monthlong Writing Fellow – Joan Anderman

For our first WCR Writing Fellow we’ve selected Joan Anderman, a former pop music critic for the Seattle Weekly and Boston Globe (clips here and here). More recently she’s been working on a project called middle mojo, which, she explains,  “incorporates interviews, essays, graphics, an audio diary and video to document my inquiry – part journalism, part personal odyssey – into the impact of …