Reading in Place

Does it matter where you read a book? Here’s a good rule of thumb: If the reading going on has a lot in common with skimming, then it’s probably all the same where and when and how you read. But if you’re doing reading that can transport you, that can make you feel and make you see and even make you catch your breath suddenly, then a great setting for reading can deepen the experience. The Library House is a great place to read, with its small, intimate collection of books, its majestic views of the Pacific Ocean four miles away, its deep, deep quiet, punctuated only by bird calls and the curious rush of a hummingbird from time to time, its rustic feel with no electricity and no need even to think about watching TV or otherwise breaking the spell. Here in this blog, we encourage people who have come to the Library House to soak up a reading experience in a way they can’t most of the time. We encourage people to come visit just for the chance to dive into reading that way – and to tell their stories here. In some cases, we hope to have writers whose books are included in the Library House come stay with us at the Wellstone Center in the Redwoods – and they, too, can pick up a book in the Library House and commune with it out on the deck, or take it for a hike through the redwoods, or just curl up in bed and let it propel them into dreams or a deep, deep sleep. If you love books and want to be inspired to love them more, stop on by from time to time.