Congratulations, Butterfingers!



Yesterday Butterfingers gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl goat! We’re not sure how much she weighs, but she stands strong and sucks a lot of milk from her mother’s teats.

If you’ve met Doris before, you will be very sad to know that she died last week under mysterious circumstances. We’re really not sure what happened. Complications from her own pregnancy, we know that much.

Our thoughts go out to Josh Barron, a resident here. We go way, way back. Josh was around when Doris was born and fell in love with her. Her features will be forever on Josh’s leg – etched into the skin with a hot needle and ink.

May you rest in peace, Doris, and welcome to this world, little goat without a name yet. (Steve wants to call her “Henriette.” Coco votes for “Rock.”)