A life without Sally?!

I have been asking myself this for the last day and a half: Can life be without our Sally? She came to us and soon we could not imagine loving any other dog than her. She seemed to have these human qualities, being so sensitive and intuitive and with such strong feelings.

Sally ran away. She was scared – of the butcher who came to take our goats (and send them after a happy, fulfilled life to a Nirvana). I should have known that she would know who this man was and what he did. Sally always was a good runner. We knew that very soon after we got her – I was never worried that another dog would really hurt her bad, because if worst came to worst, she could still run. And she did. And she ran far.

The next day she was still not back and we were so sad and envisioned packs of ugly, grinning coyotes encircling her at night and not giving her anywhere to run. How terrible such a scenario.

But we were so, so lucky, more lucky than we deserved to be. The next day we picked her up, the second time we picked her up at an animal shelter. But this time she knew right away that she was coming home.

