Come Rain or Come Shine

When you don’t know what to say, you can still talk about the weather. But the rain we’ve been experiencing here has been an unusually frequent topic of conversation lately. And like Coco I love water, but these days more in the form of a hot bath than a mud puddle. It’s the element that calms me down and makes me feel more balanced. But the sheer quantity and steadiness of the rain, combined with heavy winds that rattle our doors and windows, makes me rethink my friendship with water altogether.

Today we had the first sunny day in a long time. But the electricity went out and stayed out and made us feel again so dependent. Still, we went outside and warmed up after the coolness of the morning had passed. Now we have electricity again and a hot meal in our bellies, plus a piece of chocolate cake that our visiting writer Mary Cinadr made – life can be so sweet.